Building Your Family Office

For families with significant wealth, preserving and growing it for future generations takes planning. A well-run family office helps navigate the complexities of managing money across family members.


Clear and effective governance is the compass that guides your family office and ensures its long-term success
Your vision, clarified
Set Vision & Goals
Unite your family and plan for generations
Build Structures & Estate Plan
Create wills, trusts, and boards
Ensure Open Communication
Resolve family issues with frameworks and guardrails
Good governance isn't just about power; it's about setting a clear direction for your family's future

Investment Management

Your investment strategy is the engine that grows your wealth and fuels your family's legacy
Your assets, amplified
Set Investment Strategy
Develop a strategy that aligns with your goals and risk profile
Diversify Portfolio
Enhance returns and mitigate risk through endowment style investing
Align Investments
Investment themes focused on long-term, secular trends
We're committed to turning over every rock to ensure your wealth works harder for you.


The cornerstone of your family office, a robust financial foundation ensures long-term security and stability
Your prosperity, sustained
Accounting and bill pay
Tax planning and compliance
Consolidated reporting
Trust Administration
Pension and retirement planning
IT infrastructure management
Think of it as building a house – the stronger the foundations, the better equipped it is to withstand the test of time

Risk Management

Proactive risk management safeguards your family and assets, protecting your dreams for future generations
Your interests, protected
Assess Risk Profile
Conduct a security audit to understand your family's unique risk profile
Build Safeguards
Regularly audit threat vectors and monitor insurance
Mitigate Risks
Address the identified weaknesses to protect against legal, cyber, and physical threats
Depending on your family's needs, specialists assess your unique risk profile and develop a comprehensive risk mitigation strategy


Manage your lifestyle, health & wellness
Your time, reclaimed
Enhance Lifestyle
Manage Luxuries (luxury purchases, travel, and residence management)
Free Up Time
Focus on Family
Seamless Experiences Impact
Enjoy Memories (yacht chartering, residence management, and overall experience)
We're committed to free up your valuable time allowing you to focus on creating lasting memories with your loved ones.

Next Generation

Equipping the next generation to be responsible stewards of your family's legacy
Your heritage, preserved
Empower Next Generation
Prepare Stewards - Legacy management
Educate & Engage
Financial Literacy for the next generation
Nurture Family Values
Open Communication (fostering communication and instilling values)
We're committed to turning over every rock to ensure your wealth works harder for you.


Evolution of family values from Profit to Purpose
Your values, manifested
Plan Your Giving
Build family foundations and charitable giving structures
Give Back & Make Impact
Support the causes that provide meaning and purpose to your wealth accumulation efforts
Maximize Impact
Coordinate giving with legal and tax experts
Philanthropy allows you to give back to your community and make a positive difference in the world, adding purpose and meaning to your wealth.